Quiet Night Thoughts

Phuong, a Vietnamese refugee, is on an old shrimp boat, migrating to a new and unknown future, leaving behind a dangerous and uncertain past for the chance of a new life. It's dark.

Phuong tries to stay strong, expressing the situation on the boat.

We then witness the appearance of the goddess Quan Am, who hears Phuong's prayers. This is a sign of hope in the midst of drifting, creating a moment of self-reflection when time stands still and Phuong can see the child within herself, and the world as a refuge provided by eternal light.

Phuong is brought back to the reality of the boat. Despite memories and doubts, she accepts her destiny and that there is no going back, only forward.

With only a loaf of her mother's tarot bread to give to a young girl in distress, Phuong realizes that as the days go by, passengers must support each other.
